On the 8th of May, the Canberra group had our Hatsugama for 2022 in conjunction with Robiraki.

This is our very first time to hold Hatsugama other than in January or February. In a normal year, it is a hot and humid day when we have Hatsugama in summer, even in Canberra. That weather usually causes problems such as th e discomfort of wearing a Kimono, with preparing of food, and with the fear of sweating into a bowl while whisking tea etc etc.
Having Hatsugama in May seems to solve all problems.
Everyone attending the Hatsugama was relaxed and cool even when working very hard in the kitchen.
However, due to Covid-19, we had to have alternative procedures from normal. We began with having Hanabira mochi in two separate groups.
While I was performing Koicha temae, the members of the first group made koicha (in individual bowls) for the members of the second group, and then they exchanged roles.
(All members were too busy to take photos of the koicha session). After koicha, it’s time for lunch – wh ich everybody was waiting for.
As it was the first time to get together since last August, everybody enjoyed talking so much that we totally forgot about taking photos again.
After we enjoyed lunch, we did two usucha sessions in the same way we conducted the Koicha session. I wouldn’t mind if next year’s Hatsugama were to be held in May again.