Chakai for 30 th Anniversary of the sisterhood of Wollongong and Kawasaki

To celebrate the 30 th Anniversary of the sisterhood of Wollongong and Kawasaki City, the President of Urasenke Kawasaki Chapter, Mr. Tetsuro Kato, held Chado demonstrations in Wollongong. Mr. Kato invited the Lord Mayor of Wollongong, Cr. Gordon Bradbery OAM, and Kawasaki City Mayor Fukui and his delegation. Association members helped with the event.

In Wollongong Art Gallery, we set up a Misono-dana in front of lots of chairs. We put a fan on an alcove stand, “Kacho fugetsu wo tanoshimu” (Enjoy the beauty of nature) written by Zabosai Oiemoto.


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Hatsugama 2018

On Sunday, 4 February 2018, we had Hatsugama at Leura.
Hatsugama(初釜) – first tea ceremony of the year.

This meeting is seen as something very special. Hatsugama is the only time when the tea teacher him or herself prepares tea for all her students. In most cases this tea ceremony is a complete Chaji meeting with Kaiseki meal, Nakadachi breaks, and the whole ritual done the way it was learned during classes. It is impossible to teach the whole Chaji at once, therefor it is always broken up into practicing how to prepare Usucha, Koicha, and arranging the charcoal in Sumidemae.

More photos you can see in Gallery – Hatsugama 2018

Coming up – Spring Annual Tea Gathering (2017)

Сoming soon event
Spring Annual Tea Gathering

When: Sunday Sunday 15 October 2017, from 11:00am to 15:30pm
Where: Maiden Theatre,
The Royal Botanic Garden Sydney Mrs. Macquarie Road, Sydney
Ticket: $25 for two servings of tea and traditonal Japanese sweets.

Sessions are 45 minutes long, and start at 11:00 am, 11:45 am, 12:30 pm, 1:15 pm, 2:00 pm and 2:45 pm


On Sunday 15th October you can enjoy traditional Japanese Sweets and tea while learning about the history of the tea ceremony. There will be two styles of demonstrations available, tatami mat style and table and chair style, giving you the chance to be immersed in the Japanese culture and eat some yummy treats at the same time.



Members’ Chakai “Banshu no Chakai”

On Sunday, 28 May we had a members’ chakai «Banshu no Chakai» at Ryoan, the residence of Ryoko Freeman in Leura, organised by Ryoko’s group (20 members).

There is a teahouse in the backyard of the house. Before entering gate, there is a machiai (waiting place). Anthony Brien taught how to put enza (seating cushion) to young members. In the gravel lake area we put Suehiro-dana to perform usucha temae. Anthony and Megumi Moxey led Usucha-seki with four members.

More photos you can see in Gallery – Members’ Chakai “Banshu no Chakai”

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